利用 AI 看英文小說學英文

彼得潘的 iOS App Neverland
4 min readJul 31, 2023


最近彼得潘想來讀一些有趣的英文小說,想到 AI 也許可以成為學習英文的好幫手。

以下我們以有趣的 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 為例,說明如何利用 AI 看英文小說學英文。

  • 我是小朋友,請用更簡單的英文單字改寫。
  • 請翻成中文。
  • 我正在學英文,請問以下文章有哪些值得學習的單字或句子。
  • 請用幽默的風格改寫。
  • 請說明某個句子 / 某個單字。
  • 上傳圖片請 AI 翻譯。



There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!’ (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.


Alice didn’t think it was too strange to see a rabbit talking to itself, saying, ‘Oh no! Oh no! I’m going to be late!’ She thought it was a bit odd later, but at the time it seemed normal. But when the rabbit took out a watch from its pocket and then ran away quickly, Alice jumped up. She was surprised because she had never seen a rabbit with a pocket, or a watch to take out of it before. Wanting to know more, she ran across the field after the rabbit and luckily got to see it jump down a big hole under the hedge just in time.


這沒有什麼非常了不起的;愛麗絲並不認為兔子對自己說,`哦天哪!哦天哪!我要遲到了!’ 有什麼特別的(當她後來回想起來,她覺得她本應該對此感到驚訝,但當時這一切都顯得很自然);但是當兔子實際上從它的背心口袋中拿出一只錶,看了看,然後急忙繼續前進,愛麗絲立刻起身,因為她腦海中閃過一個念頭,她從未見過兔子有背心口袋,更不用說從口袋裡拿出錶了,她滿懷好奇心地跑過田野追逐它,幸運的是,她剛好及時看到它跳進籬笆下的一個大兔子洞。


這段文章源自 Lewis Carroll 的《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》,其中含有許多描述性的語言和豐富的詞彙。以下是一些值得學習的單字和短語:

Remarkable — 這個單字意為「非凡的」,「引人注目的」。你可以用來形容某人、某事或某件物非常特別或者出色。

Out of the way — 這個短語有兩種主要的意義。一個是「偏僻的」或「不在正路上的」,另一個是「不尋常的」或「奇怪的」。在這裡,它被用來形容愛麗絲覺得兔子自言自語的行為並不特別奇怪。

Occurred — 這個動詞表示「發生」或「出現」。在這裡,它被用來形容一種想法在愛麗絲的腦海中出現。

Waistcoat-pocket — 這是一種袋子類型,位於背心(waistcoat)的前部。這種詞彙對於描述服裝和其相關的細節非常有用。

Flashed across her mind — 這個短語表示一種想法快速地通過腦海。這裡,它被用來形容愛麗絲突然認識到她從未見過一隻兔子有腰背心口袋或者從中拿出一隻手錶。

Burning with curiosity — 這個短語用來描述一個人非常好奇。在這裡,愛麗絲對於兔子的行為感到非常好奇,所以她決定追隨它。

Rabbit-hole — 這個詞彙用來描述兔子在地面下挖的洞。這是《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》中的一個重要元素,因為它象徵著通往一個完全不同的世界的入口。



So, there was this peculiar day when Alice was just chilling out, right? Nothing particularly exciting on the radar. Then out of nowhere, this Rabbit starts talking to itself, like, ‘Goodness me! I’m late!’ At that moment, Alice didn’t really bat an eyelid. She was thinking, ‘You know, a jabbering rabbit… that’s Tuesday for you.’ It was only later she realized, ‘Wait, talking rabbits aren’t usual, are they?’

But the moment the Rabbit started acting like it was in a spy movie, took a watch out of its James Bond-style waistcoat-pocket, and started running like it was being chased by aliens, Alice woke up from her daydream. She was like, ‘Hold up! Since when did rabbits start wearing waistcoats and keeping time?’

Curiosity caught Alice by the tail, and she found herself hot on the bunny trail, sprinting like she was training for the Olympics. And lucky her, she got there just as the rabbit made a swan dive into a rabbit-hole big enough to be a subway tunnel, right under the hedge.

請說明某個句子 / 某個單字

这句话中的 “nor” 是 “neither” 的缩写形式,常用于否定句的开始,表示前面提到的情况也不适用于后面的主题。

所以在你提到的那句话中,“There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself”,”nor” 的含义可以理解为,“对于兔子自言自语,爱丽丝也并未觉得有什么特别奇怪的地方”,与前半句的意思形成并列关系,即没有什么特别奇怪的地方,爱丽丝也没有觉得兔子自言自语特别奇怪。

“nor” 这种用法在现代英语中比较少见,主要用于写作和正式场合,比如文学作品或者正式的报告。

當然可以,以下是一些使用 “nor” 的例子:

“I don’t like spinach, nor do I like broccoli.” 在这个例子中,”nor” 表示”也不”的意思,意思是”我不喜欢菠菜,也不喜欢西兰花”。

“He didn’t remember the incident, nor did he care to.” 在这个例子中,”nor” 又表示”也不”的意思,即”他不记得那件事,也不愿去记”。

“The storm had not abated, nor was it likely to any time soon.” 在这个例子中,”nor” 表示前面的情况也适用于后面的主题,即”风暴还没有减弱,而且短时间内也不可能减弱”。

“She couldn’t find the key, nor could she remember where she put it.” 在这句话中,“nor”表示“也不能”的意思,意味着”她找不到钥匙,也不能记得她把它放在哪里了”。

这些例子应该能帮你理解 “nor” 的用法。如果你还有其他的问题,欢迎随时提问。

上傳圖片請 AI 翻譯




彼得潘的 iOS App Neverland
彼得潘的 iOS App Neverland

Written by 彼得潘的 iOS App Neverland

彼得潘的 Swift iOS App 程式設計入門,文組生的 Swift iOS App 程式設計入門,彼得潘的 Flutter 跨平台 App 程式設計入門講師,彼得潘的 Swift 程式設計入門,App程式設計入門作者,http://apppeterpan.strikingly.com

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